Want to learn All about Bartholomew Roberts biography and quotes, and to watch his documentary all in one App? This is for you.
- Visualized history and biography, for easy learning and reference
- Famous Quotes to get inspiration
- Documentary or speeches to bring you virtually back to the history
- Having everything about Bartholomew Roberts in one App.
Brief Introduction of Bartholomew Roberts:
Bartholomew Roberts (17 May 1682 – 10 February 1722) was born John Roberts, a Welsh pirate who raided ships off the Americas and West Africa between 1719 and 1722. He was the most successful pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy as measured by vessels captured, taking over 470 prizes in his career. He is also known as Black Bart , but this name was never used in his lifetime, and also risks confusion with Black Bart of the American West.
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